GreenCharge Solutions Presents: The Final Round of ZEVIP Funding

As the final ZEVIP funding round from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) opens, this is your last chance to receive significant discounts on EV chargers. The Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) covers 50% to 75% of installation, hardware, and maintenance costs for eligible EV charging projects.

Key Program Details

  • Funding Coverage: Up to 75% for Indigenous businesses and communities, 50% for others.

  • Application Deadline: September 19, 2024.

  • Decision Announcement: January 2025.

  • Funding Streams: Public and Private.

What’s New in This Round?

  • Two Funding Streams: Public Charging (Corridor and Community) and Private Charging.

  • Private Charging: Available only for existing buildings (occupancy before May 2024).

  • Eligible Costs: Now include prepaid maintenance plans.

  • Uptime Reporting: Required for DC Fast Charger (DCFC) projects, with quarterly updates for six months post-installation.

Understanding ZEVIP

The ZEVIP initiative aims to accelerate the installation of public and private EV charging stations across Canada. The program funds up to $5 million per project, with specific coverage varying based on the type and number of chargers:

  • Level 2 Chargers: Up to 50% of costs, max $5,000 per connector.

  • Level 3/DCFC Chargers: Up to 50% of costs, ranging from $15,000 to $100,000 based on output.

Why Apply Now?

With the rise of electric vehicles, demand for charging infrastructure is increasing. Securing ZEVIP funding now will help future-proof your property and enhance its value. The application process can take several months, so start now to ensure your project is completed on time.

Steps to Secure ZEVIP Funding

  1. Complete the Application Package Request Form: Include all supporting documents as outlined in the Applicant’s Guide.

  2. Submit Your Proposal: Do so well before the deadline.

  3. Review Process: Your application will be reviewed and ranked based on mandatory and merit criteria.

  4. Due Diligence Assessment: Post-conditional approval, your financial and project completion capabilities will be evaluated.

  5. Final Approval: Sign the agreement and begin your project.

  6. Reporting and Monitoring: Ensure compliance with any reporting requirements.

Increase Your Chances with GreenCharge Solutions

Our team at GreenCharge Solutions has extensive experience securing ZEVIP funding. We can help craft a high-quality application to improve your chances of success.

Funding Streams and Eligibility

Public Charging Stream

  1. Corridor Public Charging: Must install DC Fast Chargers (Level 3) near Transport Canada's National Highway System. Requirements include at least two 100 kW chargers available 24/7 or a single 100 kW charger co-located with existing infrastructure.

  2. Community Public Charging: Must increase public EV chargers in areas with gaps. Options include two fast chargers (50 kW+) or a mix of 20 chargers of various types available 24/7.

Private Charging Stream

  • Targets existing buildings, workplaces, and on-road vehicle fleets.

  • Requires at least 20 Level 2 chargers per application.

  • Only for buildings with occupancy permits issued by May 2024.

Eligible Expenses

  • EV Charging Equipment

  • Installation, construction, testing, and commissioning services

  • Permits and capital expenses

  • Environmental assessments

  • New: Prepaid maintenance plans

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